How to Make Artificial Persons:
Hobbes's Dramatistic Theory of Interaction and of Political
We will deal
here with Thomas Hobbes's dramatistic theory of social interaction and
of political representation, expounded in Part I of Leviathan.
The dramatistic dimension of Hobbes's anthropology is a crucial link
between his theory of the body, of perception and communication, and
his theory of the body politic, of political authority and of
Many aspects of the dramatistic theory of the self and of communication
developed by the
symbolic interactionists, such as George Herbert Mead and
Erving Goffman, are
prefigured in chapter XVI of Part I of Leviathan. Thomas Hobbes's
dramatism no
doubt owes much to the dramatism of Shakespeare and his contemporaries,
but Hobbes takes it to a new level of explicit reflection, theorizing
notions of person both in everyday action and with reference to the
conventionally created persons in legal fictions. This is a crucial
notion in his political philosophy, as can be seen in the very notion
of the Leviathan, the State as the giant made of many people, as an
person. Dramatism is
central, then, both to Hobbes's psychology and to his political theory,
which are of one piece. Political representation as an
institutionalized role-playing is a cornerstone of Hobbes's
understanding of the political order.
things Personated
[A Person what] A PERSON, is he
words or actions are considered, either as his own, or as representing
the words or actions of an other man, or of any other thing to whom
they are attributed, whether Truly or by Fiction.
[Persons Naturall, and Artificiall] When they are considered as
his owne, then he is called a Naturall
Person: And when they are
considered as representing the woers and actions of an other, then he
is a Feigned or Artificiall person.
[The word Person, whence] The
word Person is latine: instead whereof the Greeks have prósopon, which signifies the Face, as Persona in latine signifies the disguise, or outward appearance of a man,
counterfeited on the Stage; and somtimes more particularly that part of
it, which disguiseth the face, as a Mask or Visard: And from the Stage,
hath been translated to any Representer of speech and action, as well
in Tribunalls, as Theaters. So that a Person,
is the same that an Actor is,
both on the Stage and in common Conversation; and to Personate, is to Act, or Represent himselfe, or an other; [Note well Hobbes's
move here: in being "natural persons" we are not bypassing the question
of representation: instead, we are representing ourselves, somewhat
like Shakespeare's King Harry on the stage of history, "playing
himself", playing his own role in his own person, as Shakespeare says
in the prologue to Henry V]
and he that acteth another, is said to beare his Person, or act
in his name; (in which sence Cicero
useth it where he saies, Unus
sustineo tres Personas; Mei, Adversarii, & Judicis, I beare
three Persons; my own, my Adversaries, and the Judges; and is
cal[81]led in diverse occasions, diversly; as a Representer, or Representative, a Lieutenant, a Vicar, an Attorney, a Deputy, a Procurator, an Actor, and the like. [Here Hobbes shows,
on the one hand, that the spontaneous function of representation has
given rise to these roles, institutions or professions, on the other,
he also calls attention to our spontaneous theory of "personation" or
representation, understood through common language and the ordinary
social interaction in dealing with these professions, a pre-theoretical
awareness which he brings to consciousness and makes fully theoretical
here, partly by pointing out the historical genesis of the social
function, buried in the etymology of these terms.]
Of Persons Artificiall, some have their words and actions Owned by those whom they represent.
[Actor, Author,] And then the
Person is the Actor; and he
that owneth his words and actions, is the AUTHOR: In
which case the Actor acteth by Authority. [Cf. here Erving Goffman's hierarchy of
persons, in Forms of Talk: the principal, the author, and the
animator—a slightly different division of roles: Goffman's 'principal'
is the one invested with final authority, and hence equivalent to
Hobbes's 'Author', e.g. the promoter or sponsor of a publication, or
the producer of a film; the author of a text and its animators
(narrators, 'actors', characters, etc.) are mere ghost writers or
speakers, and thence 'Actors' acting by Authority.] For that
which in speaking of goods and possessions, is called an Owner, and in latine Dominus, in Greeke Kyrios; speaking of Actions, is
called Author. And as the Right of possession, is called Dominion; [Authority] so the Right of doing
any Action, is called AUTHORITY. So that by Authority,
is alwayes understood a Right of doing any act: and done by Authority, done by
Commission, or Licence from him whose right it is.
[Covenants by Authority, bind the
From hence it followeth, that when the Actor maketh a Covenant by
Authority, he bindeth thereby the Author, no lesse than if he had made
it himselfe; and no lesse subjecteth him to all the consequences of the
same. And therefore all that hath been said formerly, (Chap. 14.)
of the nature of Covenants, between man and man in their naturall
capacity, is true also when they are made by their Actors,
Representers, or Procurators, that have authority from them, so
far-forth as is in their Commission, but no farther.
And therefore he that maketh a Covenant with the Actor, or Representer,
not knowing the Authority he hath, doth it at his own perill. For no
man is obliged by a Covenant, whereof he is not Author; nor
consequently by a Covenant made against, or beside the Authority he
When the Actor doth any thing against the Law of Nature by command of
the Author, if he be obliged by former Covenant to obey him, not he,
but the Author breaketh the Law of Nature: for though the Action be
against the Law of Nature; yet it is not his: but contrarily; to refuse
to do it, is against the Law of Nature, that forbiddeth breach of
Covenant. [Now
Hobbes is being rather inconsistent—good logic would lead us to see,
instead, that the Law of Nature cannot work this way. Although of
course this ethics of action is often sustained in practice, and not
just by Hobbesians, in those political systems which want to emphasize
and leave unquestioned the absolute submission of persons to other
persons, rather than to the law. — J.A.G.L.]
[The Authority is to be shewne]
And he that maketh a Covenant with the Author, by mediation of the
Actor, not knowing what Authority he hath, but onely takes his word; in
case such Authority be not made manifest unto him upon demand, is no
longer obliged: For the Covenant made with the Author, it is not valid,
without his Counter-assurance. But if he that so Covenanteth, knew
before hand he was to expect no other assurance, than the Actors word;
then is the Covenant valid; because the Actor in this case maketh
himselfe the Author. And therefore, as when the Authority is evident,
the Covenant obligeth the Author, not the Actor; so when the Authority
is feigned, it obligeth the Actor onely; there being no Author but
[Things personated, Inanimate]
There are few things, that are incapable of being represented by
Fiction. Inanimate things, as a Church, an Hospital, a Bridge, may be
Personated by a Rector, Master, or Overseer. But things Inanimate,
cannot be Authors, nor therefore give Authority to their Actors; Yet
the Actors may have Authority to procure their mainte[82]nance, given
them by those that are Owners, or Governours of those things. And
therefore, such things cannot be Personated, before there be some state
of Civill Government.
Likewise Children, Fooles, and Mad-men that have no use of Reason, may
be Personated by Guardians, or Curators; but can be no Authors (during
that time) of any action done by them, longer then (when they shall
recover the use of Reason) they shall judge the same reasonable. Yet
during the Folly, he that hath right of governing them, may give
Authority to the Guardian. But this again has no place but in a State
Civill, because before such estate, there is no Dominion of Persons.
[False Gods;] An Idol, or meer
Figment of the brain, may be Personated; as were the Gods of the
Heathen; which by such Officers as the State appointed, were
Personated, and held Possessions, and other Goods, and Rights, which
men from time to time dedicated, and consecrated upon them. But idols
cannot be Authors: for an Idol is nothing. The Authority proceeded from
the State: and therefore before introduction to Civill Government, the
Gods of the Heathen could not be Personated.
[The true God] The true God
may be Personated. As he was; first, by Moses; who governed the Israelites,
(that were not his, but Gods people,) not in his own name, with Hoc dicit Moses; but in Gods name,
with Hoc dicit Dominus. [As
happens elsewhere in Leviathan, here Hobbes enacts with his
unquestioning acceptance of the British status quo and of the truth of
the Christian religion, the principle he is explaining: that of the
state's legitimacy to establish what is to be publicly believed, or
published, and thus his treatise does what it preaches, Q.E.D.—JAGL]
Secondly, by the Son of man, his own Son our Blessed Saviour Jesus Christ,
that came to reduce the Jewes, and induce all Nations into the Kingdome
of his Father; not as of himselfe, but as sent from his Father. And
thirdly, by the Holy Ghost, or Comforter, speaking, and working in the
Apostles: which Holy Ghost, was a Comforter that came not of himselfe;
but was sent, and proceeded from them both.
[A Multitude of men, how one Person]
A Multitude of men, are made One
Person, when they are by one man, or one Person, Represented; so that
it be done with the consent of every one of that Multitude in
particular. For it is the Unity of
the Represented, that maketh the Person One. And it is the Representer that
beareth the Person, and but one Person: and Unity, cannot otherwise be
understood in Multitude.
[Every one is Author] And
because the Multitude naturally is not One, but Many;
they cannot be understood for one; but many Authors, of every thing
their Representative faith, or doth in their name; Every man giving
their common Representer, Authority from himselfe in particular; and
owning all the actions the Representer doth, in case they give him
Authority without stint: Otherwise, when they limit him in what, and
how farre he shall represent them, none of them owneth more, than they
gave him commission to Act. [Who'd
have expected Hobbes to theorize the best of possible worlds. In
practice, demagogical manipulation, propaganda, secret wheels
behind wheels, and plain ignorance and irresponsibility on the part of
the electors are the very substance of political representation—JAGL.]
[An Actor may be Many men made One by
Plurality of Voyces]
And if the Representative consist of many men, the voyce of the greater
number, must be considered as the voyce of them all. For if the lesser
number pronounce (for example) in the Affirmative, and the greater in
the Negative, there will be Negatives more than [83] enough to destroy
the Affirmatives; and thereby the excesse of Negatives, standing
uncontradicted, are the onely voyce the Representative hath.
[Representatives, when the number is
even, unprofitable].
And a Representative of even number, especially when the number is not
great, whereby the contradictory voyces are oftentimes equall, is
therefore oftentimes mute, and uncapable of Action. Yet in some cases
contradictory voyces equall in number, may determine a question; as in
condemning, or absolving, equality of votes, even in that they condemne
not, do absolve; but not on the contrary condemne, in that they absolve
not. For when a Cause is heard; not to condemne, is to absolve: but on
the contray, to say that not absolving, is condemning, is not true. The
like it is in a deliberation of executing presently, or deferring till
another time; For when the voyces are equall, the not decreeing
Execution, is a decree of Dilation.
[Negative voyce] Or if the
number be odde, as three, or more (men, or assemblies;) whereof every
one has by a Negative Voice, authority to take away the effect of all
the Affirmative Voices of the rest, this number is no Representative;
because by the diversity of Opinions, and Interests of men, it becomes
oftentimes, and in cases of the greatest consequence, a mute Person,
and unapt, as for many things else, so for the government of a
Multitude, especially in time of Warre.
Of Authors there be two sorts. The first simply so called; which I have
before defined to be him, that owneth the Action of another simply. The
second is he, that owneth an Action, or Covenant of another
conditionally; that is to say, he undertaketh to do it, if the other
doth it not, at, or before a certain time. And these Authors
conditionall, are generally called SURETYES, in Latine Fidejussores, and Sponsores; and particularly for
Debt, Praedes; and for
Appearance before a Judge, or Magistrate, Vades.
does not contemplate a frequent case of party politics—when all the
supposed "voyces" are really only so many counters to be manipulated by
the leader of the faction to carry out a hidden programme, and the body
of representatives is to decide through a few voices of unequal weight
and uncertain solidity, not by a number of voices of the same weight].
examination of
political representation is of course central to his political theory.
Political power rests (in Hobbes before Locke or Montesquieu or
Rousseau) on a covenant or social contract. Therefore a theory of the
contract is essential. The King (in his role as the Leviathan)
represents the whole nation, and is therefore an "Artificial Man".
Political power in a commonwealth requires this fundamental act of the
delegation of power, or representation, the capacity to "personate"
others, or to act for them and represent them. No wonder the
political significance of this passage has attracted most of the
attention of commentators.
But there is a more basic phenomenological fenomenon lying at the
of this theory of political representation, one which is of a piece
with Hobbes's theory of the world as a construction, as something
actively constituted by the human mind, not merely passively absorbed
or received by it. The very notion of the human subject is mediated by
representation, by this active "playing ourselves". Perhaps this is the
key insight to be found in Hobbes's dramatistic theory of society and
of politics:
a Person,
is the same that an Actor is,
both on the Stage and in common Conversation; and to Personate, is to Act, or Represent himselfe, or an other."
A simple yet profound insight. We
can play many parts in the social theatre.
That we play ourselves as a matter of fact may be a common
presupposition, but one which often requires clarification. In which
capacity are we acting? As a King, or as a private citizen? In our
office as one more member of the commonwealth, or with our magistrate's
hat? We find here, in nuce, a
theory of social life as role-playing. A person is not simply a person,
even if one is trapped in the body of the actor: a person is a role to
be played, and there are rules to the game of personating others, just
as there are limits to one's own self-personation —at the very least,
the mutual limits which these living theatres set to each other.
This dramatistic theory of action
and of personality (in which roles
are available as something to assume, either in acting as one's own
person, i.e. as a private individual, or in acting in representation of
another person, is then developed into his theory of political
representation. There are two passages which provide a major key
to the whole book, as is evident from their explanatory allusion to the
title. In many books, especially those with an enigmatic title, a
crucial passage reveals, clarifies or undescores the meaning of the
title. Here is Leviathan's
explanation of its title, Leviathan,
which is also an explanation of a gigantic maneuver of "personation", a
mode of dramatistic interaction. Developing the reasoning prepared from
the very first words of The
to the volume, Hobbes explains the making of a Gigantic Artificial
Animal, a Leviathan (the one portrayed in the famous frontispice to the
From the Introduction:
"Nature (the Art whereby
God hath made and governes the World) is by the Art of
man, as in many other things, so in this also imitated, that it can
make an Artificial Animal. (...) For by Art is created that great LEVIATHAN
in latine CIVITAS)
which is but an Artificiall Man; though of greater stature and strength
than the Naturall, for whose protectio and defence it was intended; and
in which ,the Sovereignty is
an Artificiall Soul, as
giving life and motion to the whole body (...)." (81).
And from
II.17, "Of Common-wealth", another key
passage. Note that the
"personation" whereby the political power is constituted is a
collective action, and that the role of the soul of the commonwealth
may be performed by a monarch (the theory usually associated to Hobbes
as a theorist of absolute monarchy) or by an "assembly", a body of
The Generation of a Common-wealth. The
only way to erect such a Common Power, as may be able to defend them
from the invasion of Forraigners, and the injuries of one another, and
thereby to secure them in such sort, as that by their owne industrie,
and by the fruites of the Earth, they may nourish themselves and live
contentedly, is, to conferre all their power and strength upon one Man,
or upon one Assembly of men, that may reduce all their Wills, by
plurality of voices, unto one Will: which is as much as to say, to
appoint one man, or Assembly of men, to beare their Person; and every
one to owne, and acknowledge himselfe to be Author of whatsoever he
that so beareth their Person, shall Act, or cause to be Acted, in those
things which concerne the Common Peace and Safetie; and therein to
submit their Wills, every one to his Will, and their Judgements, to his
Judgement. This is more than Consent, or Concord; it is a reall Unitie
of them all, in one and the same Person, made by Covenant of every man
with every man, in such manner, as if every man should say to every
man, I Authorise and give up my
Right of Governing my selfe, to this Man, or to this Assembly of men,
on this condition, that thou give up thy Right to him, and Authorise
all his Actions in like manner. This done, the Multitude so
united in one Person, is called a COMMON-WEALTH, in
latine CIVITAS. This is the Generation of that great LEVIATHAN,
or rather (to speake more reverently) of that Mortall God,
our peace and defence. For by this Authoritie, given him by every
particular man in the Common-Wealth, he hath the use of so much Power
and Strength (88) conferred on him, that by terror thereof, he is
inabled to forme the wills of them all, to Peace at home, and mutuall
ayd against their enemies abroad. (The
Definition of a Common-wealth). And in him consisteth the
Essence of the Common-wealth; which (to define it.) is One
Person, of whose acts a great Multitude, by mutuall Covenants one with
another, have made themselves every one the Author, to the end he may
use the strength and means of them all, as he shall think expedient,
for their Peace and Common Defence.
And he that
carryeth this Person, is called SOVERAIGNE, and said to
have Soveraigne Power; and
every one besides, his SUBJECT.
It is clear from the above that both the Sovereign and the Subject are masks or "persons"
that are worn, or dramatistic roles
that are assumed, adopted—roles which are constitutive of political
and political realities, in a social world whose dramatistic nature is
thereby enhanced and intensified.
Charon, Joel M. Symbolic Interactionism An Introduction, an Interpretation, an Integration. Upper Saddle River (NJ): Prentice-Hall, 1979. 7th ed. 2001. (With a chapter on Erving Goffman by Spencer Cahill).
García Landa, José Angel. "Somos teatreros: El sujeto, la interacción
dialéctica y la estrategia de la representación según Goffman." Academia 30 May 2012.
_____. "El interaccionismo simbólico." Trans. of Joel M. Charon's summaries in Symbolic Interactionism. In García Landa, Vanity Fea 3 April 2014.
_____. "'Lo mismo despiertos, que soñando': Hobbes sobre la virtualidad de lo real." Ibercampus (Vanity Fea) 12 Aug. 2015.*
_____. "How to Make Artificial Persons: Hobbes's Dramatistic Theory of Interaction and of Political Representation." Vanity Fea 10 Oct. 2015. (Preliminary version of this paper).
_____. "How to Make Artificial Persons." Ibercampus (Vanity Fea) 13 Oct. 2015. Online at the Internet Archive:
Goffman, Erving. The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. Rev. ed. Garden City (NY): Doubleday-Anchor, 1959.
_____. Forms of Talk. Philadelphia: U of Pennsylvania P, 1981.
Hobbes, Thomas. Leviathan. Ed. C. B. Macpherson. (Penguin Classics). Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1985.
_____. "The Introduction to the Leviathan." Vanity Fea 11 Aug. 2015.
Shakespeare, William. The Life of King Henry the Fifth. 1600. Online at The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (MIT):
Skinner, Quentin. "Hobbes and the Person of the State." Lecture a U College Dublin. YouTube (UCD - University College Dublin) 4 Jan. 2016. (State institutions as fictions and representations).
_____. "Hobbes's Leviathan Frontispice: Some New Observations." Video of the lecture at Warburg Institute. YouTube (WarburgInstitute) 4 Nov. 2016.