Luis A. Oro
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Luis A. Oro
Instituto de Sintesis Quimica y Catalisis Homogenea
Inorganic Chemistry Chair Professor
University of Zaragoza-CSIC
Zaragoza-50009, Spain
Luis A. Oro obtained his Ph. D. in 1970 from the University of
Zaragoza. He carried out his postdoctoral studies at Cambridge
University (1972-1973). He has served on the faculties of the
University of Zaragoza, Madrid Complutense, and Santander, and became
chair professor of Inorganic Chemistry in Zaragoza in 1982, being since
2015 Emeritus professor and since 2019 Honorary professor. He has been
the head of the Instituto Universitario de Catalisis Homogenea
(2004-2013). He has been Visiting professor at the Universities of
Würzburg, Bordeaux, Strasbourg, Münster and King Fahd University of
Petroleum & Minerals.
His main research interests are in
coordination and organometallic chemistry of platinum group metals
where he has co-authored well over 650 scientific papers on synthesis,
reaction mechanisms, homogeneous catalysis, and written several reviews
and books. He has been co-editor of "Iridium Catalysts for Organic
Reactions" (Springer-Nature, 2021), "Iridium Complexes in Organic
Transformations" (Wiley-VCH, 2009), "Metal Clusters in Chemistry"
(Wiley-VCH, 1999), and co-author of "Homogeneous Hydrogenation"
(Kluwer, 1994). He has also given over 300 invited talks and several
named lectureships, and mentored well over one hundred PhD graduate and
postdoctoral students. His laboratory has hosted a Marie Curie Training
Site on Homogeneous Catalysis by Organometallic Complexes. PhD students
and post-doctoral fellows from the entire world have worked in his
Named "Highly Cited Researcher" in the field of
Chemistry by ISI Web of Knowledge (2001). He is, or has been, a member
of the editorial board of several scientific publications such as
Angewandte Chemie, and others dealing with homogenous catalysis and
inorganic and organometallic chemistry, including to be co-chairman of
the Editorial Board of ChemCatChem. He is Series Editor of Topics in
Organometallic Chemistry. He has been President of the ChemPubSoc
partnership for the European Journals of Inorganic (EurJIC) and Organic
Chemistry (EurJOC), ChemCatChem and ChemPhotoChem (2002-2020). He has
been invited lecturer at many relevant conferences, including being the
chairman of the VI European Conference on Inorganic Chemistry (2000),
the 13th International Symposium on Homogeneous Catalysis (2002), the
XXII International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry (2006) and
the Symposium on Metal Transition Homogenous Catalysis at the 43rd
IUPAC Congress (2011).
He has received several awards and
honours: Doctor Honoris Causa, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2019;
Doctor Honoris Causa, Universidad San Jorge, 2019; Lord Lewis Prize of
the Royal Society of Chemistry, 2018, Doctor Honoris Causa, Universitat
Rovira i Virgili, 2015; Lourenzo-Madinaveitia Award, 2015; Honorary
Fellow Chemistry Europe, 2015; EuChemS Award, 2014; ICIQ Serratosa
Medal, 2014; National Research Prize for Chemistry, 2007; Research
Prize and Gold Medal of the Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry, 2007;
Zaragoza Gold Medal, 2007; Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Rennes
I, 2005; Sacconi Medal, 2003; Japan Society for the Promotion of
Science Fellow, 2003; Elhuyar-Goldsmidt Lecturership, 2002; Aragon
Prize, 2001; Betancourt-Perronet Prize, 2001; King "Jaime I" Prize,
1999; Pacific NorthWest Inorganic Lecturership; 1998; Sabatier-Catalan
Prize, 1997; Humboldt Research Award, 1995; Solvay Prize, 1989).
is member of the National Academies of Germany and France (Deutsche
Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina and Academie des Sciences), the
European Academy of Sciences, the Academia Europaea, honorary member of
the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and corresponding member of the
Academia das Ciencias de Lisboa. He has been President of the European
Chemical Society (EuChemS) (2008-2011), as well as vice-president of
the European Science Foundation (1993-1998). He has been President of
the Royal Spanish Society of Chemistry (2000-2005). He has also served
in high level positions in the Spanish science administration, being
General Director of Scientific and Technical Research (1987-1988),
General Secretary of the National Plan of Scientific R&D
(1988-1994) and member of the board of governors of the State Research
Agency (2016-2022). He has also published various papers and books in
the area of research and science policy. A representative book on this
subject is: "El Sistema Español de Ciencia y Tecnología: Evolución y
Perspectivas" (with A. Lafuente, 135 pgs. Fundesco, 1992).