Investigaciones en curso


- A Gaussian procedure for testing the null hypothesis of stationarity (Con A. Aznar)

- A Gaussian procedure to test for cointegration ( Con A. Aznar)

- Testing cointegration with a Gaussian procedure: some extensions (Con A. Aznar)

- A Wu-Hausman Interpretation of a t-Test for the Presence of a Trend  in the Cointegration Relationship ( Con A. Aznar y M. Salvador).

- Testing Stationarity in a Local-to-Unity Framework,(con A. Aznar).

-A modified Dickey-Fuller procedure to test for stationarity ( con A. Aznar)

-A comparison of two modified stationarity tests: A Monte  Carlo study. ( with  A. Aznar  y H. Ferrer)

- The labor market Assimilation of Migrants: Barcelona,1930 (con  V. Pinilla y J. Silvestre)

- Desigualdad y bienestar biológico: Los determinantes socioeconómicos de la estatura en la España Mediterránea: 1860-1969. ( con J. Puche)