
Molecule-based coolant on a JACS cover

‘A Triangular Frustrated Eu(II)–Organic Framework for Sub-Kelvin Magnetic Refrigeration’ by Anna S. Manvell, Maja A. Dunstan, David Gracia, Jakub Hrubý, Mariusz Kubus, James N. McPherson, Elias Palacios, Høgni Weihe, Stephen Hill, Jürgen Schnack, Marco Evangelisti, Kasper S. Pedersen, Journal of the American Chemical Society 147, 7597 (2025); https://doi.org/10.1021/jacs.4c17003 This work unveils a new design principle for

MolCal on Aragón Radio

Our management team talked on Aragón Radio about the project, the science behind and the recruitment of the Doctoral Candidates! Listen to the podcast here (Spanish).

MSCA Doctoral Network

MolCal is looking for talented and motivated Doctoral Candidates with the skills, knowledge and enthusiasm to help the network make significant research breakthroughs. Doctoral Candidates will be trained in a research excellence environment, both at the host institution and during the secondments. The consortium, with partners from 8 different countries, will naturally offer international networking.

MSCA Doctoral Network

Molecule-based magneto/electro/mechano-Calorics (MolCal) This January we will start MolCal, a MSCA Doctoral Network whose overarching scientific goal is the preparation of new molecular assemblies with outstanding potential as caloric materials for refrigeration and heat pump applications at near-ambient and very-low temperature, and their exploitation in prototype devices. MolCal will offer PhD candidates the unique opportunity to

Heraldo de Aragón

Talento en formación con las becas Marie Skłodowska-Curie Cuatro ‘Curies’ se forman en este momento en los laboratorios del Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragón, dentro del Programa Marco Europeo de Investigación e Innovación: los físicos Sara Lafuerza y Simon Hettler y las químicas Elena Atrián Blasco y Zsuzsa Baranyai. […] Enlace a la

MSCA IF Project

Exploring Aurivillius phases for Green Electrocaloric Refrigeration (EAGER) Sara has just started her project on the electrocaloric properties of new Aurivillius phases. See her in the photograph while working with the electronics that controls a quasi-adiabatic calorimeter for direct measurements of the electrocaloric effect. Link to the CORDIS page. Link to the Twitter account.

CSIC press release

Un nuevo refrigerante magnético alcanza temperaturas cercanas al cero absoluto Un equipo del Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Aragón (un centro mixto del Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas y la Universidad de Zaragoza) ha obtenido un nuevo refrigerante magnético combinando moléculas magnéticas con nanotubos de carbono. El material compuesto permite llegar eficazmente a temperaturas

Physik Journal

Magnetism at the molecular scale by Jürgen Schnack Whether the smallest data memory, qubit, coolant or medical contrast media – magnetic molecules promise a wide range of applications. This and the underlying quantum mechanics make molecular magnetism a highly effective field of research beyond the boundaries of the subject. Thus, a co-operation between chemistry and


Prueban técnicas experimentales para abaratar el coste de los equipos de resonancia magnética Científicos del Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Aragón (ICMA) han encontrado una alternativa a las aleaciones de tierras raras que se utilizan en los refrigeradores de los equipos de resonancia magnética. El Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Aragón, uno de

Chemistry: A European Journal

Single-Molecule Magnets on the frontispiece A new Zn-Dy-Zn single-molecule magnet has been prepared, in which the DyIII ion, that exhibits a DyO8 coordination sphere, is placed in an axial ligand field formed by two pairs of negatively charged phenoxide oxygen atoms in positions opposite to the DyIII ion and four neutral aldehyde oxygen atoms in