
Le Scienze and Galileo

A. Ghirri et al., Small 4, 2240 (2008) was featured in Le Scienze (i.e. the Italian edition of Scientific American) and Galileo on January 2009.Link to https://lescienze.espresso.repubblica.it/articolo/…Link to https://www.galileonet.it/news/11000/due-scatti-per-i-nano-magneti.

Angewandte Chemie

M. Manoli et al., Angew. Chem. Int.-Ed. 46, 4456 (2007) was editorially rated as a “Very Important Paper” (VIP) which less than 5 percent of their manuscripts receive, and was highlighted on the page heading the Communications section.

Angewandte Chemie

Qubit Link Could Pave The Way For World’s Most Powerful Computers M. Affronte et al., Angew. Chem. Int.-Ed. 44, 6496 (2005) was highlighted on the front cover, and was featured by the University of Manchester Press, ScienceDaily, PhysOrg.com, CCNews, nanotechwire.com, IndiaDaily, EurekAlert, NanoTsunami, Digg, Hero, QInf.org, I-uk, What’s Next Network, Capital Ideas Online, The NanoTechnology