MolCal on Aragón Radio

Our management team talked on Aragón Radio about the project, the science behind and the recruitment of the Doctoral Candidates! Listen to the podcast here (Spanish).

Physik Journal

Magnetism at the molecular scale by Jürgen Schnack Whether the smallest data memory, qubit, coolant or medical contrast media – magnetic molecules promise a wide range of applications. This and the underlying quantum mechanics make molecular magnetism a highly effective field of research beyond the boundaries of the subject. Thus, a co-operation between chemistry and

Chemistry: A European Journal

Single-Molecule Magnets on the frontispiece A new Zn-Dy-Zn single-molecule magnet has been prepared, in which the DyIII ion, that exhibits a DyO8 coordination sphere, is placed in an axial ligand field formed by two pairs of negatively charged phenoxide oxygen atoms in positions opposite to the DyIII ion and four neutral aldehyde oxygen atoms in

University of Zaragoza – Press Office

Investigadores del ICMA revolucionan las técnicas de enfriamiento en aparatos de resonancia magnética, satélites o licuadores de hidrógeno y gas natural Un equipo internacional de investigadores con científicos del Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Aragón (ICMA, centro mixto del CSIC y la Universidad de Zaragoza) logra por primera vez enfriar por debajo de -272,15

Dalton Transactions

Chained SMMs get Dalton Trans. inside cover story The linear [M(CN)2]– (M = Au, Ag) anions can be used as metalloligands in oxime-based Mn chemistry to afford 1D chains of [MnIII2] single-molecule magnets (SMMs). Link to inside cover – Dalton Trans., 43, 4606 (2014). Link to article – Dalton Trans., 43, 4622 (2014).

Angewandte Chemie

Molecular coolers get Angew. Chem. inside cover story Molecular refrigerators consisting of unusual fourth-row metal-ion–lanthanide complexes with bridging fluoride ions are presented by M. Evangelisti, J. Bendix, and co-workers in their Communication. The combination of lightweight auxiliary ligands and tunable interactions by choice of metal ion makes these systems interesting modules for low-temperature cooling applications.

Nature Materials

Cool MOFs Our publication “A dense metal-organic framework for enhanced magnetic refrigeration” by G. Lorusso et al., Advanced Materials 25, 4653 (2013) was highlighted by Andrea Taroni in Nature Materials 12, 688 (2013). Link.

CSIC press release

Una molécula magnética logra actuar como una puerta lógica cuántica A través de una reacción química, una investigación liderada por el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) ha desarrollado una molécula magnética capaz de comportarse como una puerta lógica cuántica. Se trata de una de las aproximaciones “más sencillas y eficientes” de crear una de (Radio streaming / podcast)

Hablando con Científicos por y con Ángel Rodríguez Lozano Nuevo material para refrigerar a temperaturas cercanas al cero absoluto: Investigadores del CSIC en el Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Aragón y la Universidad de Zaragoza han creado un material magnético que permite refrigerar a temperaturas cercanas al cero absoluto (-273,15ºC). Hablamos con Marco Evangelisti