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[In press]

Barrada, J. R., Cativiela, B., van Strien, T., & Cebolla, A. (2020). Intuitive eating: A novel eating style? Evidence from a Spanish sample. European Journal of Psychological Assessment. [Abstract] [PDF] [Spanish version - IES-2]

Winkens, L. H., van Strien, T., Barrada, J. R., Brouwer, I. A., Penninx, B. W., & Visser, M. (In press). The Mindful Eating Behavior Scale: Development and psychometric properties in a sample of Dutch adults aged 55 years and older. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. [Abstract] [PDF]


Barrada, J. R., Castro, Á., Correa, A. B., & Ruiz-Gómez, P. (2018). The tridimensional structure of sociosexuality: Spanish validation of the Revised Sociosexual Orientation Inventory. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 44, 149-158. [Abstract] [PDF] [Spanish version - SOI-R]

Barrada, J. R., & Roncero, M. (2018). Bidimensional structure of the orthorexia: Development and initial validation of a new instrument. Anales de Psicología, 34, 283-291. [Abstract] [PDF] [English version - TOS]

López-Antón, R., Barrada, J. R., Santabárbara, J., Posadas-de Miguel, M., Agüera, L., Burillo, C., ... & Lobo, A. (2018). Reliability and validity of the Spanish version of the IDEAL Schedule for assessing care needs in dementia: Cross-sectional, multicenter study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 33, 482-488. [Abstract] [PDF]


Abad, F. J., Garcia-Garzon, E., Garrido, L. E., & Barrada, J. R.. (2017). Iteration of partially specified target matrices: Application to the bi-factor case. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 52, 416-429. [Abstract] [PDF]

Correa, A. B., Castro, A., Barrada, J. R., Ruiz-Gómez, P. (2017). Sociodemographic and psychosexual characteristics of students from a Spanish university who engage in casual sex. Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 14, 445-453. [Abstract] [PDF]

Magis, D., & Barrada, J. R. (2017). Computerized adaptive testing with R: Recent updates of the package catR. Journal of Statistical Software, 76. [Abstract] [PDF]

Nieto, M. D., Abad, F. J., Hernández-Camacho, A., Garrido, L. E., Barrada, J. R., Aguado, D., & Olea, J. (2017). Calibrating a new item pool to adaptively assess the Big Five. Psicothema, 29, 390-395. [Abstract] [PDF]

Roncero, M., Barrada, J. R., & Perpiñá, C. (2017). Measuring orthorexia nervosa: Psychometric limitations of the ORTO-15. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 20, E41. [Abstract] [PDF]

Sayans-Jiménez, P., Cuadrado, I., Rojas, A. J., & Barrada, J. R. (2017). Extracting the evaluations of stereotypes: Bi-factor model of the stereotype content structure. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1692. [Abstract] [PDF]

Sorrel, M. A., Abad, F. J., Olea, J., de la Torre, J., & Barrada, J. R. (2017). Inferential item-fit evaluation in cognitive diagnosis modeling. Applied Psychological Measurement, 41, 614-631. [Abstract] [PDF]


Barrada, J. R., van Strien, T., & Cebolla, A. (2016). Internal structure and measurement invariance of the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (DEBQ) in a (nearly) representative Dutch community sample. European Eating Disorders Review, 24, 503-509. [Abstract] [PDF]

Osma, J., Barrada, J. R., García-Palacios, A., Navarro-Haro, M. V., & Aguilar, A. (2016). Internal structure and clinical utility of the Anxiety Control Questionnaire-Revised (ACQ-R) Spanish version. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 19, e63. [Abstract] [PDF]

Osma, J., Barrada, J. R., García-Palacios, A., & Botella, C. (2016). Influence of vulnerability factors in panic disorder severity: Personality, anxiety sensitivity, and perceived control. Psicothema, 28, 167-173. [Abstract] [PDF]


Kaplan, M., de la Torre., J., & Barrada, J. R. (2015). New item selection methods for cognitive diagnosis computerized adaptive testing. Applied Psychological Measurement, 39, 167-188. [Abstract] [PDF]


Barrada, J. R., Abad., F. J., & Olea, J. (2014). Optimal number of strata for the stratified methods in computerized adaptive testing. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 17, e48. [Abstract] [PDF]

Cebolla, A., Barrada, J. R., van Strien, T., Oliver, E., & Baños, R. (2014). Validation of the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire (DEBQ) in a sample of Spanish women. Appetite, 73, 58-64. [Abstract] [PDF]

González-Betanzos, F., Abad, F. J., & Barrada, J. R. (2014). Fixed parameter calibration for assessing differential item functioning in computerized adaptive tests. Psicológica, 35, 309-337. [Abstract] [PDF]

Luciano, J. V., Barrada, J. R., Aguado, J., Osma. J., & García-Campayo, J. (2014). Bifactor analysis and construct validity of the HADS: A cross-sectional and longitudinal study in fibromyalgia patients. Psychological Assessment, 26, 395-406. [Abstract] [PDF]

Osma, J., García-Palacios, A., Botella, C., & Barrada, J. R. (2014). Personalidad y sensibilidad a la ansiedad como factores de vulnerabilidad en el trastorno de pánico. Psicología Conductual, 22, 185-201. [Abstract] [PDF]

Osma, J., García-Palacios, A., Botella, C., & Barrada, J. R. (2014). Assessment of personality disorders in panic disorder with agoraphobia and people with high and low anxiety sensitivity. Psicothema, 26, 159-165. [Abstract] [PDF]

Rey, J. J., Abad, F. J., Barrada, J. R., Garrido, L. E., & Ponsoda, V. (2014). The impact of ambiguous response categories on the factor structure of the GHQ-12. Psychological Assessment, 26, 1021-1030. [Abstract] [PDF]


Burón, E., Bulbena, A., Barrada, J. R., & Pailhez, G. (2013). EROL scale: A new behavioural olfactory measure and its relationship with anxiety and depression symptoms. Actas Españolas de Psiquiatría, 41, 2-9. [Abstract] [PDF]

González-Perilli, F., Barrada, J. R., & Maiche, A. (2013). Temporal dynamics of action contribution to object categorization. Psicológica, 34, 145-162. [Abstract] [PDF]

Sánchez-Carracedo, D. López-Guimerà, G., Fauquet, J., Barrada, J. R., Pàmias, M., Puntí J., Querol, M., & Trepat, E. (2013). A school-based program implemented by community providers previously trained for the prevention of eating and weight-related problems in secondary-school adolescents: The MABIC study protocol. BMC Public Health, 13:955. [Abstract] [PDF]


Barrada, J. R. (2012). Tests adaptativos informatizados: Una perspectiva general [Computerized adaptive testing: A general perspective]. Anales de Psicología, 28, 289-302. [Abstract] [PDF-Spanish]

López-Guimerà, G., Fauquet, J., Sánchez-Carracedo, D., Barrada, J. R., Saldaña, C., & Masnou-Roig, A. (2012). Psychometric properties of the Perception of Teasing Scale in a Spanish adolescent sample: POTS-S. Eating and Weight Disorders, 17, e210-e218. [Abstract] [PDF]

Olea, J., Barrada, J. R., Abad, F. J., Ponsoda, V., & Cuevas, L. (2012). Computerized adaptive testing: The capitalization on chance problem. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 15, 424-441. [Abstract] [PDF]

Sánchez-Carracedo, D., Barrada, J. R., López-Guimerà, G., Fauquet, J., Almenara, C. A., & Trepat, E. (2012). Analysis of the factor structure of the Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire (SATAQ-3) in Spanish secondary-school students through exploratory structural equation modeling. Body Image, 9, 163-171. [Abstract] [PDF]


Barrada, J. R., Abad., F. J., & Olea, J. (2011). Varying the valuating function and the presentable bank in computerized adaptive testing. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 14, 500-508. [Abstract] [PDF]

Olea, J., Abad, F. J., Ponsoda, V., Barrada, J. R., & Aguado, D. (2011). eCAT-Listening: Design and psychometric properties of a computerized adaptive test on English Listening. Psicothema, 23, 802-807. [Abstract] [PDF]

Prieto, G., Torres, M. T., Francés, L., Falguera, G., Vila, L., Manresa, J. M., Casamitjana, R., Barrada, J. R., Acera, A., Guix, D., Torrent, A., Grau, J., Torán, P. & the IODEGEST study group. (2011). Nutritional status of iodine in pregnant women in Catalonia (Spain): Study on hygiene-dietetic habits and iodine in urine. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 11, 17. [Abstract] [PDF]


Barrada, J. R., Olea, J., Ponsoda, V., & Abad, F. J. (2010). A method for the comparison of item selection rules in computerized adaptive testing. Applied Psychological Measurement, 34, 438-452. [Abstract] [PDF]

Abad, F. J., Olea, J., Aguado, D., Ponsoda, V., & Barrada, J. R.. (2010). Deterioro de parámetros de los ítems en tests adaptativos informatizados: estudio con eCAT [Item parameter drift in computerized adaptive testing: Study with eCAT]. Psicothema, 22, 340-347. [Abstract] [PDF-Spanish]

Olea, J., Abad, F. J., & Barrada, J. R.. (2010). Tests informatizados y otros nuevos tipos de tests [Computerized tests and other new types of testing]. Papeles del Psicólogo, 31, 94-107. [Abstract] [PDF-Spanish] [PDF-English]


Barrada, J. R., Abad, F. J., & Veldkamp, B. P. (2009). Comparison of methods for controlling maximum exposure rates in computerized adaptive testing. Psicothema, 21, 313-320. [Abstract] [PDF]

Barrada, J. R., Olea, J., Ponsoda, V., & Abad, F. J. (2009). Item selection rules in computerized adaptive testing: Accuracy and security. Methodology, 5, 7-17. [Abstract] [PDF]

Barrada, J. R., Veldkamp, B. P., & Olea, J. (2009). Multiple maximum exposure rates in computerized adaptive testing. Applied Psychological Measurement, 33, 58-73. [Abstract] [PDF]


Barrada, J. R., Olea, J., & Abad., F. J. (2008). Rotating item banks versus restriction of maximum exposure rates in computerized adaptive testing. Spanish Journal of Psychology, 11, 618-625. [Abstract] [PDF]

Barrada, J. R., Olea, J., Ponsoda, V. & Abad., F. J. (2008). Incorporating randomness in Fisher information for improving item exposure control in CATs. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 61, 493-513. [Abstract] [PDF]


Barrada, J. R., Olea, J., & Ponsoda, V. (2007). Methods for restricting maximum exposure rate in computerized adaptative testing. Methodology, 3, 14-23. [Abstract] [PDF]


Barrada, J. R., Mazuela, P., & Olea, J. (2006). Maximum information stratification method for controlling item exposure in computerized adaptive testing. Psicothema, 18, 156-159. [Abstract] [PDF]

Barrada, J. R., Olea, J., Ponsoda, V. & Abad., F. J. (2006). Estrategias de selección de items en un Test Adaptativo Informatizado para la evaluación de inglés escrito [Item selection rules in a Computerized Adaptive Test for the assessment of written English]. Psicothema, 18, 828-834. [Abstract] [PDF-Spanish]


Arend, I., Botella, J., & Barrada, J. R. (2003). Emotional load and the formation of illusory conjunctions in the time domain. Psicothema, 15, 446-451. [Abstract] [PDF]

Book Chapters
Barrada, J. R., & Botella, J. (2001). Efectos aditivos de dos distractores en un paradigma de compatibilidad con presentaciones PRSV. In C. Méndez, D. Ponte, L. Jimenez y M. J. Sampedro (eds.) La Atención: Un enfoque pluridisciplinar Vol. 2 (pp. 251-260). Valencia: Promolibro.