Georgia Benkart: in memoriam, La Gaceta de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española
25 (2022), no. 3, 473-487.
An article, in
Spanish, dedicated to the memory of Georgia Benkart.
Remembering Georgia Benkart, Notices of the American Mathematical Society
70 (2023), no. 3, 420-433.
Recollections of many friends of Georgia.
Números y simetrías: an article, in Spanish, trying to explain to a broad audience what (a part of ) Algebra is about.
Congruencias (I and II): two lessons on clock arithmetic for kids in their first years in high school activity (in Spanish), as part of the Taller de Talento Matemático (see link below).
El Teorema de Pick: a session of the Taller de Talento Matemático for kids in their last years in high school, where Pick's Theorem is proved and some consequences derived.
Nudos y números (Knots and numbers): another session of the Taller de Talento Matemático for kids in their last years in high school, where we play with Conway's rational tangles.
A large power of 2: The Spanish Mathematical Society (Real Sociedad Matemática Española, RSME) and the Spanish national newspaper "El País" organized a series of math problems that have appeared weekly on the web page of the newspaper during the year 2011 (year of the centenary of the RSME). Here you may find a video of mine, posing one of the problems.
Some links
- Taller de Talento Matemático (an activity for kids in high school)
- Real Academia de Ciencias de Zaragoza
- Real Sociedad Matemática Española
- ArXiv - Mathematics