- P. Ara, R. Antoine, J.Bosa, F. Perera and E. Vilalta, "Ideals, Quotients, and Continuity of the Cuntz semigroup for Rings" Preprint, 38pp.
- J.Bosa, F. Perera, J. Wu and J. Zacharias, "The Dynamical Cuntz Semigroup and Ideal-free quotientes of Cuntz semigroups". Preprint 49pp. [pdf]
- J.Bosa, A. Tikuisis and S. White, "Classifying Tracially factorizable maps from Nuclear cones". Preprint 12pp. [pdf]
In press: - J.Bosa and E. Vilalta, "Pure *-homomorphisms" J. of Functional Analysis, in press, 20pp. [pdf]
- P. Ara, R. Antoine, J.Bosa, F. Perera and E. Vilalta, "The Cuntz Semigroup of a Ring" Selecta Mathematica, New Series, in press, 43pp. [pdf]
Published: - J.Bosa, "Stable Elements and Property (S)". J. of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 512-2 (2022), 17pp. [pdf]
- J.Bosa, J. Gabe, A. Sims and S. White, "The Nuclear Dimension of O_\infty-stable C*-algebras". Adv. in Mathematics, 401 (2022) 108250, 51pp. [pdf]
- P. Ara, C. Bonicke, J.Bosa and K. Li, "The Type Semigroup, Comparison and Almost finiteness for ample groupoids". Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, (2021) 1-40. doi:10.1017/etds.2021.115 [pdf]
- P. Ara, J.Bosa, E. Pardo and A. Sims, "The Groupoids of Adaptable Separated graphs and Their Type semigroups." Int. Mat. Res. Not. (IMRN), Vol 2021, No. 20, (2021), pp. 15444-15496. doi/10.1093/imrn/rnaa022 -- [pdf]
- P. Ara, J.Bosa and E. Pardo, "The realization problem for finitely generated refinement monoids", Selecta Mathematica, New Series, 2020, 26(3), Paper No. 33, 63 pp [pdf]
- P. Ara, J.Bosa and E. Pardo "Refinement monoids and adaptable separated graphs," Semigroup Forum, 2020, 101(1), pp. 19-36. [pdf]
- P. Ara, C. Bonicke, J.Bosa and K. Li, "Strict Comparison for C*-algebras arising from Almost finite groupoids". Banach J. of Math. Analysis, 2020, 14(4), pp.1692-1710. [pdf]
- J.Bosa, G. Tornetta and J. Zacharias, "A Bivariant Theory for the Cuntz Semigroup" Journal of Functional Analysis, 277 (2019), num 4, pp. 1061-111. [pdf]
- J.Bosa, N. Brown, Y. Sato, A. Tikuisis, S. White, W. Winter, "Covering Dimension of C*-algebras and 2-coloured classification", Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, vol 257, num. 1233 (2019), 97pp. [pdf]
- J.Bosa and M.Christensen, "The failure of the Corona Factorization Property for the Villadsen Algebra V_\infty", Mathematica Scandinavica, 123-1, (2018), pp 142-146. [pdf]
- J.Bosa and H. Petzka, "Comparison properties of the Cuntz semigroup and applications to C*-algebras", Canadian J. of Mathematics, 70 (2018), no. 1, pp 26-52. [pdf]
- J.Bosa, G. Tornetta and J. Zacharias, "Open projections and suprema in the Cutnz semigroup", Mathematical Proceedings Cambridge Philosophical Society 164 (2018), no. 1, 135-146. [pdf]
- P. Ara, J.Bosa, R. Hazrat and A. Sims, "Reconstruction of graded groupoids from graded Steinberg algebras", Forum Mathematicum 29 (2017), no.5, pp. 1023-1037. [pdf]
- J.Bosa and M. Dadarlat, "Local triviality for continuous field C*-algebras", International Mathematics Research Notices (IMRN) 4 (2015), pp 1044-1055. [pdf]
- R. Antoine, J.Bosa, F. Perera and H. Petzka, "Geometric structure of dimension functions on certain continuous fields", J. Funct. Anal., 266 (2014), no.4, pp. 2403-2423. [pdf]
- R. Antoine, J.Bosa and F. Perera, "The Cuntz semigroup of Continuous Fields", Indiana Univ. Math. J. 62 (2013), no.4, pp. 1105-1131. [pdf]
- R. Antoine, J.Bosa and F. Perera, "Completions of monoids with applications to the Cuntz Semigroup", in International Journal of Mathematics, 22 (6) (2011), pp. 837-861. [pdf]
- J.Bosa, F. Perera, J. Wu and J. Zacharias, "The Dynamical Cuntz Semigroup and Ideal-free quotientes of Cuntz semigroups". Preprint 49pp. [pdf]
- Continuous Fields of C*-algebras, their Cuntz Semigroup and the Geometry of Dimension Functions, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 26 September 2013. [pdf of Thesis] [Presentation] Supervisor: Francesc Perera (UAB).
- Complecions del semigrup de Cuntz, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, September 2009. Supervisor: Francesc Perera (UAB).
PhD Thesis:
Msc Thesis:
PhD Students and Researchers on charge
- Sofia Sirón. Joint PhD-student with Prof. C. Martínez at Universidad de Zaragoza.
(May 2024 -) - Laura Saénz. Researcher at Universidad de Zaragoza.
(July 2024 -) - Alvaro Sanchez. Joint PhD-student with Prof. P. Ara at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
(2017 - 2022) - Dr. Gabriele Tornetta. Joint PhD-student with Dr. J. Zacharias at University of Glasgow.
(2013 - 2016)
Research Stays
- Centre de Recerca Matemàtica. Invited researcher during the IRP of Operator algebras.
March-July 2017 - Institut Mittag-Leffler. Invited researcher during the Classification of Operator algebras: Complexity, Rigidity, and Dynamics Programme. February 2016
- University of Muenster. Invited researcher during the Focus Programme on C*- Algebras.
April-May 2015 - Fields Institute of Toronto. Invited researcher during the Theme Period on C*-Algebras and Dynamical Systems. June 2014
- "The Cuntz semigroup: Classification of C*-algebras", a series lectures of 5 hours presented at "The 4rth Workshop on Operator Algebras and its applications", School of Mathematics, IPM, Tehran, Iran. December 2016
Advanced Courses
- "The realization Problem of Von Neumann regular rings", presented at 9th ECM, Mini-symposium : Rings, Modules and Factorizations, Seville (Spain) July 2024
- "Pure *-homomorphisms", presented at 9th ECM, Mini-symposium : Operator Algebras, Seville (Spain) July 2024
- "Almost Elementary Dynamical Systems", presented at Barcelona Mathematical Days, Barcelona (Spain) November 2023
- "Classification of C*-algebras. History and Final Results", presented at joint meeting RSME, SCM and Polish Math Society, University of Lodz (Poland) September 2023
- "Almost Elementary C*-algebras", presented at workshop C*-days 2023, University of Prague (Czech Republic) May 2023
- "Stable Elements and property (S)", presented at workshop Cuntz Semigroup 2022, University of Kiel (Germany) October 2022
- "Almost Elementary Dynamical Systems", presented at workshop C*- algebras: Structure and dynamics (Sde Boker (Israel)) May. 2022
- "The Realization problem for von Neumann regular rings", presented at Zagreb Workshop on Operator Algebras (on-line). June 2020
- "Adaptable Separated graphs and Realization Problem", presented at Advanced Course on Geometry, Topology and Algebra, CRM, Bellaterra, Spain. May 2019
- "Nuclear dimension of O_\infty - stable algebras", presented at School I-Operator algebras, Groups and applications to Quatum Informatiton, ICMAT, Madrid, Spain. March 2019
- "Classification of C*-algebras and Nuclear dimension of O_\infty - stable algebras", presented at Joint meeting Spain- Brazil in Mathematics, Cadiz, Spain. December 2018.
- "Villadsen Algebras and some regularity conditions", presented at Masterclass: Applications of the UCT for C*-algebras, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen. October 2017.
- "The dynamical Cuntz Semigroup", presented at Young Mathematicians working on C*-algebras, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen. August 2017.
- "The dynamical Cuntz Semigroup", presented at Workshop C*-algebras and Dynamical Systems", Centre de Recerca de Matemàtiques, Barcelona. March 2017.
- "Classification of C*-algebras. Comparison Properties of the Cuntz semigroup and applications to C*-algebras", presented at Special weeek on Operator Algebras, Research Center of Op. Algebras, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China. June 2016.
- "Comparison properties on Cu-semigroups, with applications to C*-algebras", presented in "Workshop Classification and Dynamical systems I:C*-algebras", Mittag-Leffler Institute, Stockholm. February 2016.
- "Covering Dimension and 2-coloured classification", presented in "Edinburgh Math. Soc.-Soc. Catalana de Mat. joint meeting", Barcelona. May 2015.
- "Equivalent definitions of the Corona Factorization Property", presented in "Workshop on C*-algebras: Structure and Classification", University of Muenster. April 2015.
- "Nuclear Dimension of Kirchberg Algebras", presented in "Conference of Classification, Structure, Amenability and Regularity (CSTAR)", University of Glasgow. September 2014.
- "The Category Cu. Which maps are the correct ones? *-homomorphisms or cpc order zero maps?", presented in "Workshop on C*-algebras and Dynamical Systems" Fields Institute of Toronto. June 2014.
- "The Category Cu. Which maps are the correct ones? *-homomorphisms or cpc order zero maps?", presented in "Scottish Operator Algebras Seminar", University of Glasgow. March 2014.
- "Local triviality for Continuous Fields of C*-algebras", presented in "School and Workshop: Topics in Operator Algebras and Applications" ICMAT-International Ciencias Matemáticas. September 2013.
- "Local triviality of Continuous Fields",presented in "The structure and classification of nuclear C*-algebras" ICMS-International Centre for Mathematical Sciences April 2013.
- "Dimension functions on C(X,A)", presented in "Wabash Modern Analysis Mini-conference" Indiana University-Purdue University. September 2012.
- "The Cuntz semigroup of Continuous Fields", presented in "Jornadas Españolas de Teoríax de Anillos" Universidad de Granada. June 2012.
- "Dimension functions on C*-algebras", presented in "Master Class on the Nuclear Dimension of C*-algebras" University of Copenhaguen. November 2011.
- "The Cuntz semigroup of certain C(X)-algebra",presented in "Conference on Structure and Classification of C*-algebras" CRM-Centre Recerca Matemàtica, Bellaterra. June 2011.
- "The Cuntz semigroup of a C(X)-algebra",presented in "Great Plains Operator Theory Symposium 2011" University of Phoenix. May 2011.
- "C*-algebras and their classification", presented in "Jornada de Joves Matemàtics de la Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques (SCM)" Barcelona. November 2010.
- "Classification of Monoids. Applications to the Cuntz semigroup", presented in "Master Class on Classification of C*-algebras", University of Copenhaguen. November 2009.
- "Almost Elementary Dynamcial Systems", Seminario Rubio de Francia, presented at Universidad de Zaragoza. Feb. 2024
- "The Realization problem for von Neumann regular rings", Algebra and Number Theory seminar, presented at University of Graz. June 2022
- "Clasificación de C*-álgebraS sep. simples unitales y nucleares. Historia y resultados importantes", Seminario Rubio de Francia, presented at Universidad de Zaragoza. Feb. 2022
- "El Problema de Realització i Grafs separats adaptables", Seminari G i C, presented at Universitat de Lleida. Jul. 2021
- "Stable Elements and Property(S)", Seminari de Teoria d'Anells, presented at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. May 2021
- "The Realization problem for von Neumann regular rings", Abend Seminars on Graph Algebras, presented at University of West Sydney (on-line). June 2020
- "Classification of C*-algebras", GAMT seminar, presented at University of Cardiff October 2019.
- "Realization for Von Neumann regular rings", Operator Algebra seminar, presented at University of Trondheim June 2019.
- "Adaptable Separated Graphs", Operator Algebra seminar, presented at University of Glasgow, January 2019.
- "Representation problem for Von Neumann regular rings ", Ring Theory seminar, presented at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, June 2018.
- "Representation problem for Von Neumann regular rings and Steinberg Algebras", Operator Algebra seminar, presented at University of Muenster, May 2018.
- "The representation problem for Von Neumann regular rings", Operator Algebra seminar, presented at University of Glasgow, February 2018.
- "Dynamical Cuntz Semigroup", Operator Algebra seminar during IRP Operator Algebras, presented at Centre de Recerca Matemàtica, June 2017.
- "Comparison Properties of the Cuntz Semigroup and applications to C*-algebras", Algebra seminar, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, May 2016.
- "Classification of C*-algebras and the Category Cu", Operator Algebra seminar, University of Wollongong, October 2015.
- "Classification of maps by traces", Operator Algebra seminar, Newcastle University, February 2015.
- "Classificationof maps by traces", Operator Algebra seminar, University of Muenster, March 2014.
- "The Category Cu. Which maps are the correct ones? *-homomorphisms or cpc order zero maps?", Geometry-Analysis seminar, Queen Mary-University of London, March 2014.
- "The Cuntz semigroup of some Continuous Fields, Operator algebra seminar, University of Glasgow, December 2013.
- "The Cuntz semigroup and Dimension Functions on C(X,A), Operator algebra seminar, Purdue University, U.S.A., October 2012.
- "The Cuntz semigroup of certain C(X)-algebras", Operator algebra talk, CRM-Centre de Recerca Matemàtica, Bellaterr, May 2011.
- "Completions of monoids. Applications to the Cuntz Semigroup", Operator algebra talk,Department of Mathematical Sciences-University of Copenhaguen, February 2010.
- "Complecions de Semigrups: Aplicacions al Semigrup de Cuntz (II)", Algebra seminar, Departament de Matemàtiques-Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, October 2009.
- "Complecions de Semigrups: Aplicacions al Semigrup de Cuntz (I)", Algebra seminar, Departament de Matemàtiques-Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, October 2009.
Seminar Talks
Organized Scientific Events
- With A. Peralta, F. Perera organized the “Mini-symposium: Operator Algebras" in the 9th ECM, Seville, Spain. July 2024.
- With S. Goldstein, B. Kwaniewski, F. Perera, M. Wasilewski organized the “OA-session in the Spanish-Polish Mathematical meeting”, Lodz, Poland. Sep. 2023
- With R. Antoine and F. Perera organized the Conference " III Barcelona Weekend on Operator Algebras and Noncommutative Algebra", Centre de Recerca Matemàtica, Bellaterra, Jan. 2023
- With F. Perera organized the Conference " II Barcelona Weekend on Operator Algebras and Noncommutative Algebra", Centre de Recerca Matemàtica, Bellaterra, Sep. 2019.
- With M. Gonchenko and M. Sanz-sole organized the Conference "2nd BMS-BGSmath Junior Meeting", TU Berline and Institute Berlin (ZIB), June 2019.
- With F. Perera organized the Conference "Barcelona Weekend on Operator Algebras", Centre de Recerca Matemàtica, Bellaterra, Nov. 2018.
- Organizer of "Operator Rings Theory seminars", at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona since Sep 2018.
- Organizer of "Operator Algebra seminars", at University of Glasgow 2014.
- With S. White, W. Winter and J. Zacharias organized the Conference "Classification, Structure, Amenability and Regularity (CSTAR)", University of Glasgow, 1-5 Set. 2014.
- With S. White, W. Winter and J. Zacharias organized the Master Class "Classification, Structure, Amenability and Regularity (CSTAR)", University of Glasgow, 21-29 May 2014.
- With Ramon Antoine, Pere Ara and Francesc Perera organized the Workshop "Workshop on Dynamics and C*-algebras", in CRM-Centre Recerca Matemàtica, Bellaterra, 6-8 April , 2011.
- With Ramon Antoine, Pere Ara and Francesc Perera, organized the Conference "Structure and Classification of C*-algebras", in CRM-Centre Recerca Matemàtica, Bellaterra, 6-10 June , 2011.
- With Ramon Antoine, Pere Ara and Francesc Perera, organized the Advanced course"Structure and Classification of C*-algebras", in CRM-Centre Recerca Matemàtica, Bellaterra, 6-10 June , 2011.
Research Projects
- (2023/25) C*-algebras and Dynamical Systems (CADS), Programa Consolidación Investigadora, Ministry of Science and Research, CNS2022-135340 ,IP: Joan Bosa. 171.000 Eur.
- (2023/25) Grupo de investigacı́on Álgebra y Geometria, núm. E22 23R, Dep. Ciencia, Universidad y sociedad del conocimiento (Aragón) , PID2020-113047GB-I00, IP: Concepción Martı́nez, Miguel Á. Marco, 60.000 Eur.
- (2021/24) Anillos, Modulos, C*-álgebras y Dinamica : Clasificación, estructura fina y regularidad, M. Ciencia y Innovación, PID2020-113047GB-I00, IP: Pere Ara , Francesc Perera. 75.000 Eur.
- (2019/21) Beatriu de Pinós mod. A, AGAUR-Generalitat de Catalunya, 2017 BP 00079, IP: Joan Bosa. 6.000 Eur.
- (2018/20) Laboratori d’Interaccions entre Geometria, Àlgebra i Topologia (LI- GAT), Grup de Recerca reconegut I Finançat per la Generalitat de Catalunya, 2017 SGR 1725, IP: Carles Broto Blanco. 44.480 Eur.
- (2018/21) Estructura y clasificacion de anillos, modulos y C*-algebras: Inter- acciones en Dinamica, Combinatoria y topologia, DGI MEC-FEDER, MTM2017-83487-P, IP: Pere Ara Bertran. 58.700 Eur.
- (2015/17) Estructura y clasificacion de anillos, modulos y C*-algebras, DGI MEC- FEDER, MTM2014-53644-P, IP: Pere Ara Bertran. 85.063 Eur.
- (2012/15) The Cuntz semigroup and the Fine structure of Nuclear C*-algebras, EPSRC, EP/601419/2, IP: Joachim Zacharias. 302,171 Pounds.
- (2011/14) Estructura de Anillos, C*-algebras y categorias de modulos, DGI MEC- FEDER, MTM2011-28992-c02-01, IP: Pere Ara Bertran. 118.338 Eur.
- (2009/11) Estructura y Clasificación de Anillos, modulos y C*-algebras, DGI MEC- FEDER, MTM2008-0631-C02-01/MTM, IP: Pere Ara Bertran. 94.138 Eur.